Graduate Assistantships at Holy Family University

十大网络彩票平台大全在包括护理学院在内的各个办公室提供研究生助教奖学金, Office of Advancement, Student Engagement, Counseling Psychology and the Office of Enrollment Management.

研究生助理可以专注于与学科相关的项目、课程、特殊项目. To be eligible for a Graduate Assistant position, 学生必须申请并被录取为全日制学位寻求学生在批准的研究生课程. Most graduate assistants will be eligible to work up to 20 hours per week, and will receive tuition credits plus stipend based on the hours worked. Tuition remission is only available for Fall and Spring terms.



Tuition Waiver

(per semester)

School of Nursing


Up to 9 credits


Office of Advancement


Up to 9 credits


Information Technology


Up to 9 credits


Student Engagement


Up to 9 credits


Community Engagement & JDEI Initiatives


Up to 9 credits


Center for Internships and Career Services


Up to 9 credits


Accessibility Services


Up to 9 credits


Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Up to 9 credits


Office of Enrollment Management


Up to 9 credits



Deadline for Submission

提交研究生奖学金申请的截止日期是申请日期 April 30, 2024.

Open Positions

Graduate Assistant for the School of Nursing

The position will assist the School of Nursing and Health Sciences by conducting recitations of weekly lectures; proctor; and provide administrative support. Requirements include a nursing degree, proficiency with MS Office, and ability to maintain confidentiality of sensitive information.

Graduate Assistant for the Office of Advancement

Work in the Office of University Advancement, located in Marian Hall, 一系列的项目和任务,以支持神圣家庭的目标,增加参与和慈善事业,同时培养忠诚, lifelong relationships, commitment, and community among all alumni, students, parents and friends. 协助助理副总裁和先进性团队进行我们的项目, including assisting in planning and producing alumni and stewardship events, researching and importing updates into our constituent database, preparing research profiles on individuals, corporate and foundation donors, and replying to emails, and other tasks as assigned.

Graduate Assistant for the Office of Information Technology

十大网络彩票平台大全信息技术办公室正在寻求一名积极进取、富有创造力的研究生助理(GA)加入我们的团队. 这个职位是为研究生设计的,他们热衷于增强用户与技术的交互方式. GA将专注于开发和改善我们数字平台的用户体验, with a particular emphasis on crafting intuitive, accessible, and effective training and resources for faculty, staff, and students across the university.

Graduate Assistant for Student Engagement

学生参与研究生助理是一个以学生为中心的职位,负责校内和校外活动的项目管理, 以及为学生活动办公室和注册学生组织提供行政和业务支持. 该职位将与负责学生参与的副总监密切合作,扩大当前的社交媒体和营销支持, 管理和促进俱乐部体育和校内活动,并扩大我们的吉祥物计划,以培养丰富的文化, diverse, and vibrant campus community.

This position is a 20-hour per week, 12-month, live-on position within Student Life, 理想的个人谁正在寻找一个机会,全面和宝贵的经验,在学生参与和十大网络彩票平台大全和领导. 这个角色是校内辅助专业人员和专业人员随叫随到轮换的一部分,需要在夜间工作, evening, and weekend availability is necessary.

Graduate Assistant for Community Engagement and JDEI

The Graduate Assistant of Community Development & JDEI (Social Justice, Diversity, Equity & 《十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金》将专注于社区建设、住宅开发和JDEI工作. 该职位将确保宿舍协会(RHA)的成功实施和支持。, and serve as a liaison between students and residence life staff. 该职位将支持住宿生活助理主任和校园社区助理参与和项目开发.

该角色与住宿生活人员密切合作,建立一个积极的住宿社区,促进学生成长的机会, 在学习环境的背景下,小组互动和个人责任. 该职位还将为宿舍生活和助理主任和主任提供一般行政和业务支助. This position is a 20-hour per week, 12-month, live-on position within Student Life, 理想的个人谁正在寻找一个机会,全面和宝贵的经验,在学生参与和十大网络彩票平台大全和领导. 这个角色是校内辅助专业人员和专业人员随叫随到轮换的一部分,需要在夜间工作, evening, and weekend availability is necessary.


研究生助理(GA)在实习和就业服务临时管理员的监督下工作. 总干事的主要职责是通过在与职业相关的举措中提供宝贵的支持,为大学促进学生成功的使命做出贡献. GA提供全面的服务,让学生有能力探索, develop, and achieve their career goals. The Graduate Assistant will gain valuable experience in higher education, career development, and student engagement.

Graduate Assistant for the Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) Department

研究生助理(GA)在咨询心理学项目主任心理学博士的监督下工作. 总干事的主要责任是通过将技能应用于实践和实际学习机会,为大学的服务责任和终身学习的使命作出贡献,以帮助培养称职的专业人士和负责任的公民. The GA will be responsible for supporting program admissions/recruitment, coordinating administrative tasks for the program, and developing and implementing a program improvement project. 研究生助理将获得高等教育和课程/项目开发的宝贵经验.

Graduate Assistant for the Office of Enrollment Management

该职位将通过开展项目为招生管理办公室-研究生/成人招生提供支持, assisting in planning for campus events, conducting research and benchmarking projects. The position will assist Graduate and Adult Admissions office recruitment and yield initiatives; contacting/calling inquiries, applicants, admitted students; assisting the Director with streamlining new processes for the office (admission decisions, packets, other mailings, etc); provide support to Graduate/Adult recruiters with data entry into CRM. 目标是在办公室获得支持,帮助执行任务,使团队能够专注于大学增加的招生目标.

Interested in Applying?

Interested applicants should submit their Cover Letter and Resume to If you have any questions about a position or the process, please reach out to Shawn Kennedy, Director of Graduate and Adult Admissions at